Thursday, November 13, 2008


We're pushing Day 4 on our lovely adventure through my intestinal tract. This morning I attempted rejoining my fellow TBBers at the university, but nay. It wasn't meant to be. On the walk to school I could tell something was amiss, but it wasn't until partway through our morning lecture by Lina, a blind masseuse working in Kunming, that the tremors really began. The worst part about the experience, I reckon, is that it's so darn painful. And maybe if it was the other exit I could just get it out and spray some Febreeze and be done with it. But no. We must instead transfer onto the traffic-jammed highway of up-chucking and then promptly fainting just to irritate the other drivers. Naturally this process operates best when it is in the wee small hours of the morning, so when I regain conciousness, alone, 15 minutes later, I can happily crawl back to my double bed in a relatively lessened state of embarrassment.

And now, I have been in this temple of World of Warcraft for a solid 6 hours as I await my homestay family's return to the apartment so I can, hopefully, indulge in some well-deserved repose. And maybe some Lord of the Rings on tape.

Wish me luck.

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